We shed many tears Friday February 1. For unknown reasons, two baby rabbits we had given to Jordan and Terra to celebrate Jordan’s birthday, died. The girls had been begging us to get them each a rabbit. They don’t have pet stores here. No one, except ex-patriots have “pets.” But along the roadsides you will pass young boys, holding their arms up to passing cars, and in each hand they display a baby animal of some kind: kittens, puppies, bunnies. So, the day before Jordan’s birthday, while she was over at a friend’s house, we stopped by the side of the road and Terra picked out two flea bitten little bunnies. We took them to a vet, she dusted them with flea powder and they were good to go.
The girls grabbed the Chichewa-English dictionary. Jordan named her bunny Kalulu (rabbit) and Terra named her bunny Patapata (slippers) because her rabbit had extra fur around his toes. We all fell in love with these rabbits. Amidst all the stress of life here, these two little creatures brought us so much joy. The girls fed them before leaving for school and immediately coming home from school. The rabbits quickly learned that when they heard the girls coming, it meant feeding time. They would stand on hind legs, reaching up on their cage with their front paws, begging to be picked up and fed. Then the girls would release them in the yard and they would dart around on the grass, stop for an occasional nibble and then run again, sometimes leaping through the air. We laughed, catching them when they strayed too far.
The rabbits were thriving under the care of the girls. Their tummies were filling out, their fur was shiny and fluffy. We had them for less than a week. On Friday morning, Jordan and I went out to feed them before leaving for school. They huddled in a corner of their cage. Strange. We tickled their noses with a cabbage leaf. No interest. Uh-oh. Bad sign. I walked Jordan to school and immediately came home to doctor them. They had no energy, no life in them. Something was seriously wrong. We took them back to the vet but there was nothing she could do. By noon they were dead.
The girls took it very hard, as most children do with the loss of a pet. This was the first time the girls had to deal with a significant death that they could remember. They both handled it completely different. Jordan wanted to go out and see their bodies. She kept returning to the box in which their corpses lay. I would see her outside, standing in their empty cage, audibly crying. She helped Stephen make a cross for their grave site and she was very indignant when Stephen dug the burial hole next to the compost pile. “Can’t we show some respect! Next to the dump!” Terra on the other hand, refused to look at them, wanted to be by herself, slammed her bedroom door and quietly cried into her pillow. Yet, in an hour she had worked through much of the emotion and when she and Stephen ran errands, she wanted to talk and hear about the saddest death Stephen had ever experienced.
This inexplicable, untimely death gave us the opportunity to talk with the girls about death and loss. We reflected with them on how the people of Malawi and most of Africa are suffering from death of parents, the death of a child and the loss of uncles and aunts and cousins. It did not make their pain any less, but it did create a moment to connect, sympathize and feel compassionate toward our brothers and sisters.
Dear Heinzel-Nelsons,
I just read the Loss entry and cried, I felt so sad for all of you especially Terra and Jordan. We know first hand how it is to loose a pet, I also know that it is truly a learning experience and a time to bring the family closer. We spent our last dog's last night sitting on the floor with her and sharing all our memories. It was a sad time, but one the kids will always remember. So, please consider yourselves hugged from all of us!
This past Sunday we took Jonnie and Suzie out to dinner, we had a real nice time.
We really miss you guys though...the kids have been stopping by and playing with Scout after school. We also love seeing the pictures on the blog. it makes us feel closer to you..so please keep them coming. Also, Patience got her wish, It snowed here today, not alot but enough to cover the ground,and it's really cold! Keep the emails coming,
Love, The Stover's
Oh my gosh! Terra, Jordan, I'm so sorry. That's so sad! Please feel better.
terra and jordan,
i now how you feel to have lost a loved pet and it is very hard. these bunnies were very lucky to have you as owners for their short time. you cared for them and loved them more than they would ever have imagined. this is really what was important. i miss you guys with all my heart and am truly sorry for your loss. just hold your head up high and everthing will be okay!
love always,
Dear Terra and Jordan,
I'm absolutely positive that the week those two precious bunnies spent with the two of you was the best week of their short lives. The hardest part of loving God's creatures both great and small is when the time comes to give them back to Him. I'm so sorry you only had a week with them, but I'm so glad that when their time came they had known the love of you two. What lucky bunnies they were!
Big hugs and much love,
Hi Terra and Jordan,
We are so sorry to hear about your pets. It must be so hard, what with everything else you are having to adjust to. Scout and i were playing out in the snow today!! She says a big hello.
We love you guys and miss you so much
Love jonnie and Susie xx
hey terra and jordan,
so sorry to hear about your pets dying.
i heard that scout misses you all to death!!!
tell your parents i said hi.
all of us at youth group miss u terra, its not the same!!
all of us at rock miss u jordan a bunch
can't wait to hear from you soon
amanda, alexis + danny
terra and jordan....
i am so sorry abut this!
those bunny's, from what i heard loved you and they were even exited to see you when you came out to feed them every morning! There spirit's i know went up to god and they are probably nibbling little carrots up in bunny heaven right now.
i love you both and can not wait untill you get back!!!!!!
love noli
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