This afternoon was another plethora of emotions. We went to visit Open Arms orphanage. It's operated out of a small house and it’s primary responsibility is to serve children from ages 1 day old to 2 years old. These children have lost their mother or both parents and there is no one else in the family who is able to care for them. The intention is that after two years of age, the orphanage returns the babies back to their villages. Infants demand so much care that often it is too overwhelming for grandparents or aunts and uncles, who are already caring for several other children, to take on an infant. This orphanage cares for 39 babies. As we toured the ministry, we had to be careful of where we stepped. Babies speckled the floor. I held Esther, the tiniest baby I had ever seen. She was 18 days old. Her mother is dead from Aids.
This visit was a highlight for Terra and Jordan. They loved holding the babies and the staff was great with the girls! Later that night Terra told us, it was like she had entered a huge nursery, where every room was full of babies. “A nursery,” I said, “only mama never comes back.” This was hard for Terra to hear. She buried her head in her pillow and told us to stop talking about that.
The ministry is powerful and so needed! They have a ratio of 1 "mother" (staff) to 6 babies and they are grateful for volunteers to come in and love these little bundles. Jordan got stuck holding a baby who "kept drooling and crying." Finally one of the "mothers" came and rescued Jordan so she could pick up the baby she really wanted to hold, Sarah. They bonded. Sarah clung to Jordan.
Terra was naturally in her element and upset when I told her we would return next week. "You mean we aren't going to do this everyday?" She held babies, fed them and played with them. She became attached to a little 2 year old named Gift. It was a beautiful sight. I sat there quietly watching the girls, chocking back the tears. But then again, lately this seems to be a common experience.
You may be the only Bible they ever will read. And that will be enough, because you are already being the arms of Jesus. I pray for strength and endurance for the race set before you. I am with you all in spirit. They are blessed to have you there. Keep on looking up. In Him, Michele
Howdy Terra! That's so sweet! My mom said I can start babysitting this summer, so I'm excited for that! I miss you!
Heyyy Terra I miss you so much! Those babies are so cute! Seeing your blog made me miss you even more than I already do!
Wow , the orphanage looks like such an amazing experience. I cried when I read all about it. I bet the kids just loved Jordan and Terra. I hope that you have the strength to continue with this work as I can't imagine how emotional it will be. Love Susie x
Hi. That must of been a really sad experience to learn that they're without a family! I miss you so much!
Hi Terra,
It's Lynne C-D. I would have loved to be there with you holding those babies. You have a natural gentleness that is such a gift for those children. Embrace every moment.
Hey there Terra. I agree with Julie when saying that's so sweet. The babies are really cute! Reading that made me want to cry myself. I miss you! Sydney
Hey Terra! Thats so cool! The babies are so cute! I miss you!
Hey Terra! Africa looks so cool. I miss you!!
hey there terra,
it's glenn. u remember me from the church. I was johanne's ex. well anyway I just wanted to let u know I was reading this site and I gotta tell you you are doing so terrific with the babies. I think if you really enjoy doing this everyday then thats a gift. I think you should at least keep up with it by helping these babies. Seems like they all love both you and Jordan alot. I think both you girls should definetly help these babies often if you girls enjoy it. If it's your favorite thing then definetly. Well anyway please email me at when u get this so this way I can hear more about this experience ur doing there. Except you should email me everyday so this way I can read all about this experience of this of yours cause I'll tell you you guys are doing great things up there from what i'm hearing. When you get back I promisse you one day you and your family will all be famous for this kindof work and that will be a great gift and will be a great future for all of you I promisse. My email is please email me so this way I can look forward to reading all these stories on email.
send my best to the family.
Love to all,
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