Composed by Jordan Heinzel-Nelson
May 23:
6:00 am
We are getting ready. Today we will climb Mulanje, the biggest mountain in Malawi. It is HUGE. If you spent four days on top you wouldn’t cover the whole mountain.
Our porters are ready. Porters are the men who carry our clothes. I feel so awkward giving them these huge packs, even though we are paying them. At least we carry one pack. We start the hike. I do not know how long it will take, but other people said 6 hours. It will for one thing be my longest hike. Soon enough I have my shoes off and take the lead with one of the porters, Mission. The other one, James, who seems more experienced and also knows more English stays with Terra, Mom and Dad.
We stop to rest. We will do this throughout the trip.
We stop at the half way point. It has a stream by it so we fill up our water bottles. Then we take a break before starting up again.
We stop for lunch. While we eat, a black bee comes. I eat my sandwich, it follows me. I run away to Mom, it follows me. I run to Terra, it follows me. I run to Dad, it follows me. I try to ignore it, it hovers around me. I move away from the food. It follows me. Finally it flies away.
The place where the cabin is, is visible. Mom and I move quickly to get there fast. On our way, I stub my toe. It starts to bleed. This already happened a few days ago. This time its on the other foot. Ow! We get to the cabin. We look out. It sits in the middle of trees surrounded by open fields of wild flowers and tall grasses.
James takes us out to the view.
We look down at the massive map of land stretching before us. It is the view point. It is so beautiful. We see for miles around. There is nothing like watching the sun set from a mountaintop. It is so cool!
We are having dinner. There is no electricity so we cook over a fire. The spaghetti is so delicious especially when you are hungry. Then we go to bed.
May 24:
Mom wakes us up for the sunrise! We quickly get changed and go outside. We look out. The sun has already risen and hides behind a hill. It is beautiful! The clouds spread out along the mountain top.
There is a hill on the mountain that Terra and I want to climb. It doesn’t look too big. We set off to the hill. First we trudge though the long grass.
We finally get to some rocks but soon we are back in the grass. You do not know how hard it is to hike through high grass.
We’re still so far away and we still must hike back down this day. We decide to turn around. That was so BORING! We pack to go back home.
We are leaving.
While we are hiking down, I stub my toe again, badly! It starts to bleed again. I stub it again. Then the other foot. Ow! Dad had my shoes and was way ahead of us. When I caught up to Dad, I finally put on my shoes because my feet couldn’t take it any more.
I am glad that I finished the hike. I am excited to take Jem and Clay. My next challenge is to climb Sapitwa, the highest point of the mountain. Sapitwa means "Go No Farther".
wow jordan that sounds like alot of fun! i bet the sun set was soo pretty!
Thanks for pictures of the beautiful sunset and sunrise. Great gifts for you after all that climbing. Any soaring hawks that high?
Mrs. Ruch
Man alive: that black bee sounds terrifying! Sounds like an amazing hike Jordan.
Love, Jonnie
Hi Jordan
I have been checking the blogspot on my lunch break. It is always a treat when a new posting appears. This one may be my favorite so far. I especially liked the parts about the toe-stubbings and the black bee.
Write some more. You do it well.
Mrs. Diebel
Jordan, Please take your shoes along when you go on the safari - but, more importantly, wear them ALL the time. I mean, there may be snakes or mean tempered wart-hogs that may take a bite. I love the picture with you and your Dad - also your blog is most impressive. Hurry home, we miss you. Grandma
that is a really cool story! i feel like i was hiking the mountain along with you!!!! it sounds like u had a great time!!!
Hi Heinzel-Nelsons:
News of your adventures is spreading far and wide. Carlos Wilton kindly forwarded your blog to folks in Monmouth Presbytery...and former NJ-ites. I'm writing to you from Michigan, and was moved and awed by the news in your blog. I read it at 6:00 am today as I was finishing today's sermon for my church, and was reminded again of how astounding God's plans for us are, and how mysterious the connections between people.
Blesisngs in all that you're doing,
Mary Austin
Great blog Jordan! What an amazing adventure. Sleeping on the top of a mountain in a deserted cabin sounds so peaceful. You are too much with your bare feet excursions!
Can't wait to see you.
Mrs. Daly
You are a captivating writer. If feel as if I am there with you. And get this, while I read your blog my big toe started to hurt. Yikes! I laughed out loud as I read your Grandma's comments. She is such a caring Grandma. But I know shoes won't stop you for long, or else - Jordan you wouldn't be Jordan. The team can't wait to see you all. Nicholas, Patience and I wish we were going too. But we will be here across the ocean continuing to pray for your family. You are ALWAYS on our hearts and minds.
Love ya, Aunt Michele
When we were at Island Beach I saw 2 sunrises. They were so cool! There was a group of clouds that that the sun went behind, so it was like a double sunrise!
it's amazing how you can hiike like that!Anyway, I've never seen sun set or sunrise Espeaially, not from a mountain top!It must have been an awesome hike! did you see any cool animals?
wow jordan!
you make it sound so easy to go up ad down a GINORMOUS mountain! i'm really sorry about all the toe stubbing it sounded like it hurt!
i can't wait till you get back!
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